Program name:
Call of the I. Program Applications, Operational program Technology and applications for competitiveness for the period 2021 - 2027

Project name:
CV: Intelligent seating system for individual seat adjustment


06/2023 - 12/2026

The new system of the individual seating system will make it possible to assemble a customized anti-decubitus seat even for users with different body physiognomy deviations and pelvic deformities, both from prefabricated components and from original components.

The project is co-financed by the European Union. 

Program name:
Call I of the Digital Enterprise Program - Technology 4.0

Project name:
CV Machining: 5-axis workplace with autonomous communication and AI planning


03/2024 – 06/2026

The subject of the project is the acquisition of new technological devices and equipment for the digital transformation of the company.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Program name:
Employment plus, Call for proposals: 03_23_047

Project name:
CV Machining: corporate training


1. 3. 2024 - 28. 2. 2026 (24 months)

The aim of the project is to raise the level of competence of workers through vocational training to meet the current needs of employers and the requirements of the changing labor market.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Program name:
Operational Program Technologies and Applications for Competitiveness

Project name:
CV Machining: Invention Applications


02/2023 – 08/2025

Invention Application – Wheelchair for transporting disabled persons, incl. PCT application;

Invention application – Assembly and method for transporting a wheelchair for transporting disabled persons, incl. PCT application.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Program name:
TREND Program

Project name:


01/2023 – 12/2025

The main objective of the project is to develop an innovative adjustable electric wheelchair. In addition to meeting all the necessary parameters prescribed by the standards and current trends of competing products, it will offer additional possibilities to extend the independent mobility of users.

The project is funded with the support of the Czech Technology Agency and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic under the TREND Program.

Program name:
Operational Program Technologies and Applications for Competitiveness

Project name:
CV Machining: utility model registration


01/2023 – 03/2023

The aim of the project is to register a utility model – Pressure Monitoring System and a wheelchair incorporating this system.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Program name:
National Recovery Plan - Digital Enterprise - 1st Call

Project name:
Universal workplace with extended SW training


10/2022 – 12/2024

One of the goals of digitalization is to ensure the continuity of the production process. The introduction of digitalization aims to eliminate bottlenecks, which will lead to improved monitoring of the production process, capacity growth, improved production quality and thus increase the company’s revenue.

The project is funded by the Next Generation EU.

Program name:

Project name:
VIVA CV II Consultancy


1. 9. 2021 – 31. 5. 2023

The project will provide consulting services in the field of HR and personnel processes in order to improve the state of HR in the company, and at the same time the processes will be set up for the upcoming expansion of the company and the planned growth in the number of employees.

Program name:
Application, Call IX, OP PIK

Project name:
Automated determination of tool wear under variable process conditions



The project focuses on the development of automatic monitoring technology of the cutting process to determine the critical wear of cutting (drilling and tapping) tools by an indirect method, based on the use of internal data from the machine control system (MCS) with the support of machine learning.

Participants of the project are CV Machining s.r.o. and RCMT CTU Prague.

Program name:
Application, Call IX, OP PIK

Project name:



The main objective of the project is to increase the mobility of people with disabilities or limited mobility through the implementation of an innovative adjustable electric wheelchair.

Participants of the project are CV Machining s.r.o., Strojírenské inovační centrum s.r.o. and VIVA Automotive a.s.

Program name:
Application, Call VIII, OP PIK

Project name:
Pressure monitoring of orthopedic wheelchair seating system



The aim of the project is to develop a sensory monitoring system for pressure caused by a seated wheelchair user at the touch points, preventing the development of pressure sores with emphasis on low cost, versatility and reliability.

New pressure-sensitive materials will be used, which will be sewn into the coating of the seating or support system or applied to the fixed part. An evaluation unit will measure the load level and warn if the limit values are exceeded. The data can be evaluated in a software application.

Program name:
Application, Call VIII, OP PIK

Project name:
Robotic camera workstation for measuring and inspection of shape defects of forgings and workpieces using artificial intelligence



The aim of the project is to master the issue of measuring of forgings and workpieces using camera systems. We are developing the application of modern artificial intelligence methods for general efficient use in industrial production so that other forgings and machined parts can be inspected through this platform, especially for their mass application in Automotive.

The expected results of this project will be:

  • a prototype of a robotic workplace for optical inspection of surface defects of forgings and machined forgings using new technologies in the field of camera inspection and other trends of the current industry with the aim of full automation of the production line. The workstation will include robotics, a camera system for optical inspection and a connection to a manufacturing information system
  • laboratory test bench for checking forgings for defects as a functional sample
  • automatic optical inspection of forgings for defects as a utility model.

Program name:
Application, Call VIII, OP PIK

Project name:
Forge of the 21st century



The project aims to develop die forging and machining by introducing Industry 4.0 elements and other new technologies with the most efficient use of materials, tools and manpower. The project focuses on the following thematic areas:

  • welding of dies,
  • reducing the consumption of metallurgical material,
  • punching of precision shaped holes hot punching during forging,
  • design of an alternative technology for heat treatment of steel forgings using residual heat,
  • workplace ergonomics,
  • cameras and virtual reality,
  • monitoring and digitalization of production sites and data collection.

Program name:
Innovation Voucher, Call VI., OP PIK

Project name:
Automated corrections for machine tools based on 3D measurements in a robotic line



The aim of the project, co-funded by the EU, is an application for online processing and evaluation of automated measurement results at a 3D measuring station. The application will also be able to generate the corresponding tool correction request in the control of a fully robotized production line.

Participants of the project are CV Machining s.r.o. and UTB Zlín, Faculty of Applied Informatics.

Program name:
EIT Manufacturing, Digital Transformation in RIS, call ♯1

Project name:
ERP and PDM compatibility analysis for the adaptation and implementation of the "Digital Workplace" system



The aim of the project, funded by the EU, is to analyze the project Digitalization of data collection in CV Machining s.r.o. and to propose a solution for business processes, recommend requirements for infrastructure and define parameters of the connection between the system providing digitalization and cooperating systems – ERP, PDM, Machine Monitoring.

Program name:
Innovation Voucher, Call IV, OP PIK

Project name:
Determination of tool wear by monitoring specific machine operating parameters



The aim of the project, co-funded by the EU, is to determine whether it is possible to automatically assess tool wear during drilling and tapping operations based on data obtained from the machine control system during serial production. The sub-steps will be the modification and implementation of an application for synchronized data collection during serial production on the customer’s machine, the collection of production data and the evaluation of trends in the individual data channels. The output will be a correlation of the identified trends with the actual development of tool wear physically measured during one shift and recommendations to the company for further progress towards a permanent operational tool wear monitoring solution.

The participants of the project are CV Machining s.r.o. and CTU Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Machines and Equipment, Research Centre for Engineering Production Technique and Technology.

Program name:
Enterprise Training of Employees II - OP Employment

Project name:
Training of employees of CV Machining s.r.o.



The aim of the project is to increase the level of knowledge, skills and especially key competences of the workers.

CV Machining s.r.o. implements research and development projects, for this reason it uses the possibility of applying the deduction for research and development support according to the provisions of Section 34a of Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on Income Taxes, as amended.

Program name:
Potential Call VI., OP PIK

Project name:
VIVA CV Digital Industry 4.0



The aim of the project, co-funded by the EU, is to expand the existing research and development capacities for the implementation of development and innovation activities. The key tasks of the project are the introduction of digitalization of selected production data collection, a pilot phase for the deployment of deep monitoring of selected production equipment and the creation of related conditions in the PLM system used. Furthermore, this project focuses on the automation and robotization of production lines beyond the level of standard machine handling, i.e., for example, the use of camera systems for different applications or robotic packaging of workpieces into customer-specific packaging. The project is a continuation of the “CV Machining s.r.o. Development Centre”.

As part of the project, the following research and development infrastructure was purchased. If you are interested in utilizing it for R&D purposes, please contact Ing. Martin Kulenda (email:

Overview of Equipment:

  • Robotic workstation for cooling, camera inspection and packaging of steel workpieces
  • Stacking pallets for different types of workpieces
  • 3D camera system with Bin Picking function
  • Industrial robot IRB – ABB
  • Robotic cell with fencing and safety features for forging handling with Bin Picking function
  • Hardware for digital data acquisition and machine monitoring
  • Machine monitoring system (Siemens Analyse)
  • Digital workstation on the ThingWorx platform (Digital data collection)
  • CAM – NX (license)
  • PLM – Teamcenter (license)
  • Customization of PLM system Teamcenter (Live data)
  • SQL extension for digitization system
  • Preparation of NC machine system for Fanuc and Okuma lifetime data collection

Program name:
Consultancy - Call I - Consultancy services for SMEs - OP PIK

Project name:
Consultancy of CV Machining s.r.o.



The aim of the project is to implement consulting services in the field of IT consulting, digitalization, company processes, automation and robotization, in order to implement defined corrective measures or recommendations.

Program name:
Potential, Call V., OP PIK

Project name:
Development Centre CV Machining s.r.o.



The aim of the project, co-funded by the EU, is to build the capacity of its own research and development for the implementation of development and innovation activities. The aim is to develop progressive technologies, especially focusing on robotics and automation of activities. Our focus is on fully automated production units with automated camera or touch inspections, along with fully robotic handling and workpiece dressing.

As part of the project, the following research and development infrastructure was purchased. If you are interested in utilizing it for R&D purposes, please contact Ing. Martin Kulenda (email:

Equipment overview:

  • 3D measuring equipment – Zeiss Duramax
  • Tool setting machine – Zoller Venturion 450
  • Robotic dressing workplace – Blumenbecker Prag
  • Robotic finishing workplace – Balák stroje Tišnov
  • Industrial robots IRB – ABB
  • Mobile and integrated laser into robotic line – Leonardo Technology
  • CAD-CAM – NX
  • PLM – Teamcenter (license)
  • Semi-finished product bins – Ronix Tech
  • Conveyor of semi-finished products – SOLVETECH
  • Cameras for robotic inspection workstations – Cognex


“The company’s greatest asset is its employees. We constantly take care of their personal development and motivation, we create good working conditions and a working environment for them. It is only thanks to teamwork that we achieve extraordinary results in our performances”.

We rely on these values:

  • We are pursuing a common goal
  • We support the professional development of employees
  • We reward success and value intrinsic motivation and effort
  • We emphasize the health of employees
  • We create a social program that supports corporate culture and interpersonal relationships
  • We build good relations with employees through open communication and truthful information about the company’s results
  • We work closely with secondary schools and universities

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